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Completed Typesets
Some typesets, such as those of works in the public domain, are available upon request. Other typesets are available only to the author or with author approval.
Washington Irving's Rip van Winkel and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow
US letter folio
Project Gutenberg
glimmerglanger's Haunt Me Then
US letter folio
Now deleted, formerly AO3
Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
US leeter quarto
Project Gutenberg
stfustucky's Custom Made
US letter folio
Dwight L Moody's A Quiet Hour
US letter folio
Project Gutenberg
psocoptera's A Duel with Fate
US letter octavo
Selection of Presidential Speeches
US legal quarto
National Archives
scifigrl47's The Act of Creation Will be Your Salvation
US letter folio
linelen's An Eye for Quality
US letter folio
vinelles's Bleach on the Brain
US letter folio
Not_You's I Guess We'll Have to Join the PTA
US legal quarto